SEMWA is the Southeast Regional Chapter of Mystery Writers of America (MWA), the premier organization for mystery and crime writers, professionals allied to the crime writing field, aspiring crime writers, and folks who just love to read crime fiction. We are dedicated to furthering MWA’s dual mission of promoting recognition and appreciation for the genre and of educating writers about all aspects of the publishing industry, including legislation, industry practices, and the craft of writing.

Our membership covers six states (Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee), which makes chapter-wide in-person meetings challenging. However, with Zoom, we are able to meet virtually on the second Monday of each month, usually with a speaker talking about topics of interest to our members.

We also are a sponsor of Killer Nashville International Writers’ conference, Murder in the Magic City, and Mystery in the Midlands.

In addition to the benefits that come with MWA membership, SEMWA members receive:

  • A subscription to our monthly newsletter, The Raven’s Caw
  • Reduced-price registration for select MWA-sponsored events
  • Reduced-price registration to SEMWA sponsored workshops, retreats, and Skill Builds
  • Access to the members-only section of our website

SEMWA membership is included at no additional charge when you join MWA. For more information, visit the MWA website or email chapter president Lynn Chandler Willis at .

SEMWA also maintains a Facebook page and a listserve at for direct member communication.